Water cremations as a new greener goodbye

Water cremations as a new greener goodbye

As Scotland prepares to be the first of the UK nations to approve water cremation, Chairman Tim Purves, shares his thoughts in a series of articles in this week’s I-Paper, The Times and The Daily Mail....
Free Wills One Month a Year -v- Free Funeral Plans Every Month

Free Wills One Month a Year -v- Free Funeral Plans Every Month

March is “free wills month”. However, we offer free funeral plans of wishes every month. Why?  We see families struggle to make decisions without the knowledge of what their loved one would have wanted.  So, we’re here to help anyone wanting to plan ahead and here’s...
Is fuss free the same as direct when it comes to funerals?

Is fuss free the same as direct when it comes to funerals?

At a recent industry event for funeral directors, it was revealed that 75% of those asking for a “direct funeral” did not understand this meant no service and no attendance from family. We appreciate that families arranging a funeral today have more choice...
How to choose the right music for a funeral

How to choose the right music for a funeral

Tunes, hymns, melodies and songs are generally considered essential elements of a funeral. Here’s our five top tips to hit the right note for you and your loved ones. With over five generations of experience in arranging funerals, one truth prevails at William...
To absent friends this holiday

To absent friends this holiday

To absent friends at Christmas As we approach the end of 2021, James Morris, our Managing Director reflects on this time of year. Our memories are such a powerful thing, aren’t they?  Every day I do this job, I see how precious every single memory is of someone loved...